Harper Technology Group

we are all care recipients and caregivers...

Respectfully speaking, HTG is glad that you have chosen to take a moment to visit us to learn more about our team’s vision and the next generation homecare connection to the healthcare industry.

Technology has changed every aspect of how America lives, communicates, and conducts business. However, many people who would like to maintain their dignity as they grow older in age or with a disability are not able to benefit from the proactive and positive impact of technology as it pertains to their own health navigation or a family members well being.

Today it is becoming more and more obvious that HOME in itself is the best healing environment and that retirement homes or family detachment should not be the only option. A properly coordinated human touch and supportive interactive technology system solution will provide valuable “peace of mind”, improve care, chronic diagnosis, health analysis, and virtually connect caregivers, care recipients, and family in real time.

The technology communication gap between older and younger people has been recreated with this next generation “technology” bridge. GrandCare Systems are a simple easy to use home appliance and interactive communication system. At HTG we tend to refer to them as the Hallmark card of technology. GrandCare Systems can be made portable for travel or removed and reinstalled. A technology system that is not susceptible to viruses or crashes like most personal internet based computer systems.

GrandCare Systems has been successfully in business writing software since 1993, the high quality hardware products are supported by clinically proven and reliable medical devices. We at HTG, are the value added experts that have been selected to be their construction & implementation technology contractor.

We hope you agree, that by finding a solution to potential situations in good times allows the more complexed times to be better navigated. Care recipients will become effective in communicating their needs faster, while historical, current medical data, and digital care notes are readily available when they are needed. Cognitive exercises, mental stimulation, and home control is provided at the touch of a finger, while “home care on call” has been created for your family that can be initiated from anywhere at any time.

We look forward to collaborating on how we can provide your family with the supportive technological care portion of the solution for your situation. In the meantime we invite you to learn more by visiting the GrandCare Systems link below for their most popular ideas and industry experiences:

Click here to learn more about GrandCare Systems.